Liquids and Mists in Modern Building
The Show
I've been, recently, watching a TV series produced by the History Channel called Ancient Aliens.
- History Channel
- Ancient Aliens on
- Ancient Aliens on
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- The series start with the theory of the book "Chariots of the Gods?" written by a Swiss author called Erich von Däniken.
In it, through 5 seasons and still ongoing, they try to give you enough insight into a, somewhat, trending new way of interpreting some of the most puzzling clues that mainstream archaeology is still battling with.
Mind you, I'm still in the early episodes of season one, so I'm not doing any profound analysis on the whole series.
What I want to talk about now, is one small thing they mentioned in episode 1: "To make such precise cuts or joints, one would have to need to liquefy stone and probably use some kind of mould."
That is one of the various answers they spun out. But, somehow, it made me begin to think: How do we do it now?
Amazingly, while I was listing most of the tools that I've used, or dream to use in the future, I realized that there was an underlying pattern. Most of everything we use in our modern society, has been through, either a state of liquid/gel form or has been coated or made of stratifying mists.
Ok, let's do a list of our most basic raw materials and the, summarized, way of making it:
- Pottery: (wikipedia) (How it's made?)
- To make pottery you use clay. To make clay you add a fine powder to water until you have a consistency of modelling clay.
- Metallurgy: (wikipedia) (How it's made?)
- Using intense heat you get the metal into a liquid form and then, shape it into basic forms that other manufacturers can transform into usable items.
- Plastics (wikipedia) (How it's made?)
- Heating the crude oil at a certain temperature and pressure, various elements form with different densities. These deposit into a stratified manner. You then extract plastics from the correct position/height inside the heated container. To then use this raw material, you re-heat it until it's soft enough to force it into moulds.
- Concrete (wikipedia) (How it's made?)
- And finally, we have our own little concoction that passes for liquid rock: concrete. To make concrete you add water to cement, pour it into a mould and then let it dry/cure.
As you can see, all of those raw materials pass through a liquid form at one stage or another.
In our "modern society", most of our manufacturing skills have been perfected to deal with raw material that can be transformed into an easy way of moulding it:
- To make all kind of shapes/tools/etc with metal, you pour it into a mould or, like they say: "beat it while it's hot".
- The plastic industry is the utmost specialist in terms of moulding.
- Ceramic has been around for a long time, but the old and tested ways of manufacturing with clay have not changed that much from the way of our forefathers. The only thing that has changed is the machinery/tools that we employ.
Then there's mist.
We compel some elements/composites into a mist form and then:
- Spray the paint.
- Deposit fine layers of different elements to form silicon chips.
- Create a static charge on something then let the mist coat it for protection.
In the end, after curing, drying or whatever other method you obtain the item one is aiming for. And these are the methods that have been perfected to make manufacturing easy, repeatable and, therefore cheap!
My point
If we as a "modern society" have evolved and perfected our manufacturing and tool making to include a liquid and/or mist form, to ease the process of industrializing our needs, why is it so outlandish that a more advanced civilization choose to avoid it?
It also makes no sense at all that this is not the case surrounding most of our history's most puzzling monuments:
So here you are, there isn't really a conclusion on my line of thought. I still need to investigate a tad more on these subjects. But when I see patterns emerging, things begin to make sense...
Even if I still don't quite buy the whole Ancient Aliens approach.
Until then...
I just want to leave this lying around, since I'm going to finish the whole of the 5 season content. While I'm watching, I will definitely stumble across more mind bending enigmas, and some day-to-day similarities with our society. So, when I have some time, I'll be posting some more about this.
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